Collaborate with Tech54

Interested in inspiring the next generation of learners? Collaborate with us.

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Collaborate with Tech54

Become a Partner

Step into the forefront of online education by becoming a partner with Tech54. Your collaboration will help shape the future of learning of Africans in the UK. Together, we're equipping the next generation with the knowledge and resources to excel in a rapidly evolving world.

Tech54 is committed to empowering and equipping learners with skills and opportunities to build the career they want.

Want to Change Someone’s Life? £1/day can make all the difference.

Our goal at Tech54 is to empower Africans in the UK with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the tech space, and your support will play a crucial role in making that happen. Partner with us and be a part of shaping the future of technology by establishing a Scholarship Fund at Tech54 today.

How to get involved

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Financing Partners

We are equipping Africans with the skills they need to build profitable careers at heavily subsidised rates. Despite these concessions, a considerable number of people still cannot afford to join our programs due to poor economic and financial conditions. Join us today by empowering promising talents.

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Internship Partners

Looking to snap up our standout talents? Tap into our network of highly skilled junior technologists beaming with the right mix of competence, enthusiasm and ambition. If you would like to get the ideal talent for your team, click the button below

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Learning Partners

Do you want to train the upcoming generation of top technologists? Team up with us to create top-notch educational content in a variety of fields.

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Innovation Hub Partners

We encourage community engagement at Tech54. If you would like to partner with us and have a physical location where our community of students can share common interests, click the button below.

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By 2030, there would be a significant shortage of tech talent in the UK. Join the most welcoming African Tech community in the UK for free access to career resources, job openings, continuous training, and Tech54 collaborative opportunities.

Learn about how to secure your first job in the tech field